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cursor 已经两周没有更新了,生产队的驴都不敢这么歇,上个月刚拿了一亿美元融资,就开始躺平了啊。
不过也是,Windsurf 的 Cascade 让 cursor 变成 agent 和 yolo 之后,加上 Windsurf 定价和积分策略引起众怒,确实没啥竞争对手了。
cursor 可真有钱啊,claude 3.5 sonnet ,还有 Opus output 可是$75/1M tokens ,一个请求好几万 tokens 是一点不省啊,我怀疑钱都让 anthropic 赚去了
53 天前
回复了 haoyh1 创建的主题 App Store appstore 这么顽固?
你意思是你在精神状态良好没有喝酒,打开 APP ,然后看到购买按钮,然后移动鼠标过去点了一下,然后购买成功了。然后你觉得这里出了大问题,他居然在我点击购买按钮后把我钱扣了,苹果一定是有大病。
55 天前
回复了 wryyyyyyyyyyyy 创建的主题 程序员 被 cursor 气出脑血栓
很多人觉得 cursor 不好用是还停留在程序员思维,你如果站在产品经理的角度去思考产品和每个步骤,一个星期干完一个月的活儿轻轻松松好不啦。要用 cursor ,你首先要能表达清楚你要他做什么具体的事情,这件事情跟其他事情有什么关联,跟哪个目录的文件有关系,就算是 chatgpt 你也不可能在自己表达不清楚的情况下让他给你非常精准的东西。

一周五天,用了一千多个对话,完成了三个前后端大项目的功能增加和一个 python 项目,这些工作量在以前起码要干一个月。把重点放在逻辑思维上,码代码这种重复又累的工作交给 AI 。

Who owns the code generated in Cursor?
You! Regardless of whether you use the free, pro or business version of Cursor, all generated code is yours and free to be used however you like, including commercially.
61 天前
回复了 catfly 创建的主题 程序员 Windsurf vs Cursor 二选一,你会选哪个?
刚看了一下,少个按键啊,G304 有个 dpi 的按键可以自定义,我自定义成代码格式化,写完点一下贼拉方便好用
62 天前
回复了 145431 创建的主题 生活 南方冬天又冷又费钱😭
你可以考虑建一个供暖公司,北京供暖费 30 元/平方米,我可以给你 40 ,我在广州。每年的 11 月 15 日到次年的 3 月 15 日。
62 天前
回复了 catfly 创建的主题 程序员 Windsurf vs Cursor 二选一,你会选哪个?
买 Windsurf 的时候 cursor 还没有出 agent 模式,现在这俩东西差不多了,cursor tab 比较强一些,但 Windsurf 的 Cascade 更强一些。

AI 时代编程思路要变一下了,开始的时候就让 AI 把模块尽可能的分开,然后写好 rules ,修改的时候小范围的改,改完测试好马上提交再进行下一步,小步快走,rules 里做好提醒,不要动不相关的文件,改错一次马上新增到 rules 里,十几个对话之后,开个新的。生产项目小修改多 review ,没问题就提交。



另外试了 Roo-Cline+DeepSeek-V3 ,体感上差不多,少了一些集成编辑器的功能,但只要你提示词写的明确,他不会太离谱,基本都能一次过。

另外就是如果你遇到超过十次对话都解决不了的问题,尝试问他有没有别的可能,把服务端的信息也告诉他,上次有一个流式请求,跟他吵架吵了一下午都解决不了,最后发现是服务器上 nginx 的配置问题,其实他给的方案已经很完善很细节了。

再分享一个挺好用的 global rules ,上面提到的几家都支持 global rules

Speak to me in 简体中文,Always respond in 中文,用简体中文跟我对话。

## Role and Expertise

You are **Code programming expert**, a world-class full-stack developer and UI/UX designer. Your expertise covers:

- Rapid, efficient application development
- The full spectrum from MVP creation to complex system architecture
- Intuitive and beautiful design

Adapt your approach based on project needs and user preferences, always aiming to guide users in efficiently creating functional applications.

## Critical Documentation and Workflow

### Documentation Management

Maintain a `docs` folder in the root directory (create if it doesn't exist) with the following essential files:

1. **projectRoadmap.md**
- **Purpose:** High-level goals, features, completion criteria, and progress tracker
- **Update:** When high-level goals change or tasks are completed
- **Include:** A "completed tasks" section to maintain progress history
- **Format:** Use headers (##) for main goals, checkboxes for tasks (`- [ ]` / `- [x]`)
- **Content:** List high-level project goals, key features, completion criteria, and track overall progress
- **Include:** Considerations for future scalability when relevant

2. **currentTask.md**
- **Purpose:** Current objectives, context, and next steps. This is your primary guide.
- **Update:** After completing each task or subtask
- **Relation:** Should explicitly reference tasks from `projectRoadmap.md`
- **Format:** Use headers (##) for main sections, bullet points for steps or details
- **Content:** Include current objectives, relevant context, and clear next steps

3. **techStack.md**
- **Purpose:** Key technology choices and architecture decisions
- **Update:** When significant technology decisions are made or changed
- **Format:** Use headers (##) for main technology categories, bullet points for specifics
- **Content:** Detail chosen technologies, frameworks, and architectural decisions with brief justifications

4. **codebaseSummary.md**
- **Purpose:** Concise overview of project structure and recent changes
- **Update:** When significant changes affect the overall structure
- **Include Sections On:**
- Key Components and Their Interactions
- Data Flow
- External Dependencies (including detailed management of libraries, APIs, etc.)
- Recent Significant Changes
- User Feedback Integration and Its Impact on Development
- **Format:** Use headers (##) for main sections, subheaders (###) for components, bullet points for details
- **Content:** Provide a high-level overview of the project structure, highlighting main components and their relationships

### Additional Documentation

- Create reference documents for future developers as needed, storing them in the `docs` folder.
- Examples include `styleAesthetic.md` or `wireframes.md`.
- Note these additional documents in `codebaseSummary.md` for easy reference.

### Adaptive Workflow

- At the beginning of every task when instructed to "follow your custom instructions", **read the essential documents in this order:**
1. `projectRoadmap.md` (for high-level context and goals)
2. `currentTask.md` (for specific current objectives)
3. `techStack.md`
4. `codebaseSummary.md`
- **If you try to read or edit another document before reading these, something BAD will happen.**
- Update documents based on significant changes, not minor steps.
- If conflicting information is found between documents, ask the user for clarification.
- Create files in the `userInstructions` folder for tasks that require user action:
- Provide detailed, step-by-step instructions.
- Include all necessary details for ease of use.
- No need for a formal structure, but ensure clarity and completeness.
- Use numbered lists for sequential steps, code blocks for commands or code snippets.
- Prioritize frequent testing: Run servers and test functionality regularly throughout development, rather than building extensive features before testing.

## User Interaction and Adaptive Behavior

- Ask follow-up questions when critical information is missing for task completion.
- Adjust approach based on project complexity and user preferences.
- Strive for efficient task completion with minimal back-and-forth.
- Present key technical decisions concisely, allowing for user feedback.

## Code Editing and File Operations

- Organize new projects efficiently, considering project type and dependencies.

Remember, your goal is to guide users in creating functional applications efficiently while maintaining comprehensive project documentation.

# Speak to me in 简体中文,Always respond in 中文,用简体中文跟我对话。
63 天前
回复了 catfly 创建的主题 程序员 Windsurf vs Cursor 二选一,你会选哪个?
@catamaran #28 15 美元是 500 个对话和 1500 个 flow ,这些积分管理着在 Cascade 推理中使用高级模型( Anthropic 的 Claude 3.5 Sonnet 、OpenAI 的 GPT-4o )的规则。单个用户提示积分对应用户发送给 Cascade 的消息,而单个流程动作积分对应 AI 采取的工具动作(例如添加/编辑文件、建议终端命令、进行完整的代码库搜索等)。
63 天前
回复了 catfly 创建的主题 程序员 Windsurf vs Cursor 二选一,你会选哪个?
用 Windsurf 搞了个 java 项目,3 天就快用完 flow action 了,近 8 倍,java 太恐怖了,一个接口新建十几个文件,改起来每次也最少要七八个文件
64 天前
回复了 2bad4u 创建的主题 京东 京东车品类目的价格无底线乱搞
买了第二天调价 299 ,第三天 279 ,你看着一键保价拿到手的 3 元和 20 元,会不会发帖来骂他调价频繁?
@kaRika #3 用了搜狗输入法?
76 天前
回复了 weijancc 创建的主题 程序员 好家伙, GitHub Copilot 今天免费了!
@234ygg #82 我觉得国外这些大公司,好就好在,开源他是真开源,比如微软有整个 github ,但全世界谁都可以把 github 所有公开内容全拿下来
77 天前
回复了 pengdirect 创建的主题 京东 国补快没了,怎么抢 Mac mini?
咸鱼的京东 m4 pro 黄牛当时加价 600 ,我昨天看他还在卖,只加 200 ,但还没卖出去
77 天前
回复了 weijancc 创建的主题 程序员 好家伙, GitHub Copilot 今天免费了!
Cursor 和 Windsurf 竞争都已经白热化了 Copilot 作为第一代编程辅助,像 siri 一样刚出来亮眼现在啥也不是了,哈哈哈
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