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V2EX  ›  jorakura  ›  全部回复第 7 页 / 共 11 页
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2011-04-20 11:34:08 +08:00
回复了 wanghq 创建的主题 设计师 有人能帮我设计个app icon吗
2011-04-20 11:30:15 +08:00
回复了 xlaok 创建的主题 MacBook Air 用PHP和Python写网络程序,用11吋的MBA做主力机可以么?
@zhuang nice idea,不过geolary不是做这个的 ^_^)ヾ
2011-04-20 00:17:10 +08:00
回复了 peterlu 创建的主题 问与答 请问,缩短网址有开源程序么?
2011-04-18 01:31:23 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 iDev 关于修正从 Core Location 获得的坐标的偏移量
@Livid 按理说GPS的结果来自天上的卫星。。。
2011-04-18 01:29:02 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 iDev 关于修正从 Core Location 获得的坐标的偏移量
@Livid 4sq这些需要地图的app标识的位置也错么?好像喜欢的人挺多,是习惯了就好了的关系?
2011-04-18 01:17:17 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 iDev 关于修正从 Core Location 获得的坐标的偏移量
@Livid 就是说CoreLocation的坐标是对的,地图是已经偏移过的,需要转化为火星坐标才能正确在火星地图上显示?
2011-04-18 01:12:04 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 iDev 关于修正从 Core Location 获得的坐标的偏移量
2011-04-18 00:58:37 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 iDev 关于修正从 Core Location 获得的坐标的偏移量
2011-04-16 03:13:22 +08:00
回复了 dc 创建的主题 iDev iOS app 如何打包所有资源文件?cc @Livid @jorakura

2011-04-15 15:14:37 +08:00
回复了 summic 创建的主题 设计师 开复老师上了hacker news首页了,现在是第三条
@Evan 如果每个人都相信,这个世界是能站着把钱赚到的,世界将会美好很多。
2011-04-15 14:18:35 +08:00
回复了 summic 创建的主题 设计师 开复老师上了hacker news首页了,现在是第三条
“Copycats” imitate ideas, technologies and techniques from other countries and improve and adapt them. During its first few decades, the United States took the key secrets of the Industrial Revolution from England, Scotland and France and launched its own industrial economy. Two centuries later, Japan and then Korea developed by adapting American manufacturing, raising the quality and lowering costs. These days, China is doing it with much success, moving up the innovation ladder at a rapid rate.

“Piggybackers” ride on the backs of rich nations by doing more and more of their manufacturing and service work at far lower costs. India is practicing the art of piggybacking right now, using advanced computing and communications technologies to perform software development, tele-services, and even high-level innovation at a fraction of the labor costs compared to performing the same jobs in the United States or Western Europe. A recent study showed that one in ten U.S. software jobs will be exported to places like India and China over the next five years.

Finally, “leapfrogs” skip over inappropriate technologies and embrace new ones, such as Finland’s sudden break from Soviet domination and its rapid adoption and development of new inventions like wireless networks.

via http://web.mit.edu/invent/n-pressreleases/downloads/sustainable.pdf
2011-04-01 17:09:42 +08:00
回复了 hellmash 创建的主题 问与答 怎么字体变得这么不舒服
:S 受不了啊
2011-03-22 16:22:42 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 iPhone 大家有没有觉得 app 更新是一件很痛苦的事情?
2011-03-11 09:20:17 +08:00
回复了 dc 创建的主题 设计 iOS Design inspirations
这个也很赞 pttrns.com
2011-03-07 21:30:56 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 启用了一个新的 Tokyo 转发节点
@livid 以前用自己公司搭过服务器,100M的网络,但是国内非常满。不知道是不是改善了 :)
2011-03-04 17:20:51 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 启用了一个新的 Tokyo 转发节点
按理说从日本到国内的网速只能用 sucks 来形容啊。
2011-02-21 16:32:21 +08:00
回复了 keakon 创建的主题 iDev 为什么有的iOS app在滚动时会很卡?
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