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V2EX  ›  Suclogger  ›  全部回复第 11 页 / 共 33 页
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2020-02-06 10:28:20 +08:00
回复了 Meiyun 创建的主题 机械键盘 给推荐一款打字声音很轻的机械键盘
hhkb 或者我最近很喜欢的便携 k380
@tyrantZhao #6 #6 哈哈诚实不欺,这次 HC 很多,100+
@xiaofanz #2 #2 目前是远程办公阶段
@xiaofanz #1 #1 感兴趣的话 vx 可以 py 下:echo c3VjbG9nZ2Vy |base64 --decode
2020-02-02 13:05:08 +08:00
回复了 kuyuzhiqi 创建的主题 问与答 iPhone 越狱了还有 ac 吗?
2020-01-19 23:18:44 +08:00
回复了 EricJia 创建的主题 Apple 推广自己 APP: 功能丰富的 Leetcode iOS 客户端
@EricJia #9 #9 赞,需要 TF 的话可以发我邮箱 echo Y2FpcnVucWlhbmdAZ21haWwuY29t |base64 --decode
2020-01-19 23:13:31 +08:00
回复了 EricJia 创建的主题 Apple 推广自己 APP: 功能丰富的 Leetcode iOS 客户端
https://i.imgur.com/cqnRWAA.png 外接键盘时候时下方按钮会被输入法浮层遮挡,希望能优化下
2020-01-18 19:59:20 +08:00
回复了 tt67wq 创建的主题 职场话题 年终前一波面试见闻
@Suclogger #32 #32 尴尬,邮箱贴错了,是这个: [email protected]
2020-01-18 19:53:17 +08:00
回复了 tt67wq 创建的主题 职场话题 年终前一波面试见闻
搭车发个 JD:
杭州菜鸟,阿里系,有期权,P6/7,HC 不限,欢迎来撩:echo c3VjbG9nZ2Vy |base64 --decode
邮箱也可以: [email protected]
2020-01-18 19:36:41 +08:00
回复了 tt67wq 创建的主题 职场话题 年终前一波面试见闻
>福报厂的老哥们眼中只有 Java

2019-12-23 17:57:46 +08:00
回复了 smartG 创建的主题 分享发现 春节抢票失败总结
从今天的经验来看用 bypass 的话一定要连接手机蜂窝热点,公用的网络出口 ip 大概率被 ban
再贴一段来自:Osiris Jailbreak 的解释:
What can it do?
1. 降级到任意系统版本
Tethered downgrades without SHSH2 blobs to any supported version. SEP may be a problem with this even with this exploit, I need to check.
2. 导出 SecureROM
Dumping the SecureROM (dumps the bootroom itself for research purposes).
3. 加载任何自定义的固件(这个是我最感兴趣的)
Load a custom firmware (CFW) for any purpose: jailbreak, activation, custom Apple logo, verbose boot, etc.
4. 在任意系统版本上实现越狱
Jailbreak the latest signed firmware tethered (needs a computer for every boot, even for stock).
5. 修复越狱引入的问题
Load an SSH ramdisk and fix a bootloop caused by the removal of files during Jailbreak.
6. 类似双系统
DualBoot iOS versions tethered.
7. 在 ios 设备上运行 android ( XD )
Possibly port and run Linux or Android (requires huge amounts of work)
8. 各种安全研究
Do security research and patch ANY security feature Apple introduces in Software on the newer iOS versions.
9. 绕过各种安全策略
Give no hecks about KPP / KTRR, AMFI, CoreTrust and such. No more clumsy patches but tethered.
@kljsandjb #7 #7 嗯,看到有人说:

>This is tethered, not untethered as some people say on this sub-reddit. This means anything from Downgrades to activation to Jailbreak made with this would be tethered forever. Tethered = you need to run ipwndfu software on the computer with the phone in DFU mode everytime you wanna power on your device, otherwise it would not even boot to stock. Much more annoying than the semi-tethered jailbreaks of today.

貌似只能做到 tethered,每次启动需要重新引导
@bookit #3 #3 原作者回复:

>Maybe someone can figure out a nice way to use JTAG on iPhone without proprietary hardware and software. I and many others would be forever grateful if someone makes that possible.

@kljsandjb #2 #2 个人感觉,这个东西的意义在于,不受系统版本限制的越狱,是不是完美越狱,取决于如何在他的基础上二次开发
@laoyur #1 #1 貌似没搜到,被降权了么
2019-05-31 11:13:31 +08:00
回复了 appgle 创建的主题 2019 百度网盘团队提前庆祝国庆
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