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[红帽软件] [北京] Senior level 测试岗位--虚拟化 and Kernel 网络

  •   redhatjob · 2017-04-12 13:34:56 +08:00 · 1800 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2892 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    简历邮箱: [email protected] 主题:姓名+应聘职位

    Senior Quality Engineer - Kernel Networking

    Job Summary

    The Red Hat Quality Engineering team is seeking a Senior Quality Engineer to join us in Beijing, China. The Quality Engineering team serves as the last checkpoint before code is released to the public. In this role, you will focus on searching, analyzing, and tracking defects and verifying bug fixes for the Linux kernel. You'll also identify testing gaps, improve kernel network function testing, and develop test cases.

    Primary Job Responsibilities

    Identify testing gaps and develop cases to cover them for kernel network

    Improve overall kernel network function testing

    Analyze and test kernel network bugs

    Develop test cases for kernel network patches to prevent regression bugs

    Required Skills

    3+ years of network-related work experience

    Advanced skills in Linux

    Ability to find and test software defects

    Proficient knowledge in at least 2 areas in NIC drivers; IPv6, IGMP, SCTP, IPsec, TCP, Virtual LAN, bridge

    Diligent and self-motivated, with good creative problem solving skills

    Ability to collaborate well with others

    Adequate knowledge in kernel implementation

    Senior Quality Engineer – Virtualization

    Job Summary

    The Red Hat Quality Engineering team is seeking a Senior Quality Engineer to join us in Beijing, China. In this role, you will focus on virtualization testing, which includes contributing in open source, researching new features, and developing automated test scripts and CI/CD tools. This is a challenging and rewarding opportunity to develop innovative solutions to complex problems while working alongside some of the brightest engineers in the open source industry.

    Primary Job Responsibilities

    Develop and maintain automation testing framework (Python); write and review patches on GitHub and Gerrit

    Research and implement new APIs and features to be automated

    Execute, review, and debug existing test results and fix the problems

    Develop and maintain CI/CD tools

    Required Skills

    Bachelor's degree with 7+ years of work experience OR master's degree with 5+ years of work experience

    3+ years of experience and skills with Linux

    3+ years of work experience in software testing or development

    Work experience in virtualization is a plus

    Solid scripting skills and 3+ years of experience with Python; Bash or Perl skills are an advantage

    Familiarity with a wide variety of components of virtualization (KVM, XEN, or libvirt tools)

    Motivated with an ability to work under pressure

    Excellent English communication skills, both written and verbal

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