Falcon Computing Solutions 是加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的丛京生(Jason Cong)教授新创办的创业公司,公司总部在洛杉矶,在北京设立了一个R&D中心,目前有开放职位,公司信息与具体职位介绍如下。丛教授与著名的图灵奖获得者姚期智先生师出同门,曾担任UCLA的计算机系主任,之前创办的几个创业公司均已经被雅虎等收购。其科研工作也是非常出色,是IEEE与ACM的双料Fellow。
As a startup company providing innovative compiler and runtime technologies for FPGA-based acceleration and data center solutions, Falcon Computing Solutions is looking for talented and self-driven engineers to join our Beijing R&D center. Please e-mail your resume to
human_resource@falcon-computing.com for immediate consideration. Thank you for considering employment at Falcon. Successful full-time candidates must have a MS or PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related fields. Candidates with BS must have a least 3 years of experience. Here is a list of full-time positions:
[Runtime Engineer]
Job Responsibilities:
• Developing runtime systems for accelerators in heterogeneous clusters
• Working with partners to customize/integrate runtime systems
• Writing feature spec and creating test plan
Desired Skills and Experience
• Strong programming skills, preferably in C/C++/Java
• Experience in Hadoop and Spark programming
• Knowledge in task scheduling is a plus
[Solution Engineer]
Job Responsibilities:
• Optimizing domain algorithms for FPGA acceleration
• Implementing cloud-based applications using Falcon compiler and runtime
• Performance analysis and benchmarking against CPUs and GPUs
Desired Skills and Experience
• Good understanding of design and analysis of algorithms
• Strong programming skills, preferably in C/C++/Java
• Experience in parallel programming
• Knowledge in one of the major domains (e.g., machine learning, bioinformatics and image processing) is highly desirable
[Compiler Engineer]
Job Responsibilities:
• Developing compilation techniques/algorithms to exploit parallelism
• Implementing source-level transformations for high-performance and efficient hardware realization
• Writing feature spec and creating test plan
Desired Skills and Experience
• Good understanding of compiler optimizations
• Strong programming skills in C++
• Familiar with open source compiler infrastructures such as LLVM or ROSE
• Knowledge in parallel programming models
• Knowledge in FPGA acceleration is a plus
[FPGA Platform Engineer]
Job Responsibilities:
• Developing hardware platforms for applications and FPGA boards
• Working with partners to create custom platforms
• Performance analysis and testing of platforms
Desired Skills and Experience
• Familiar with system IPs, such as AXI, DDR controller, PCIe and Ethernet
• Familiar with FPGA design flows, including synthesis, verification and debugging
• Experience in scripting
• Knowledge in FPGA acceleration is a plus
About Falcon Computing Solutions:
Falcon Computing Solutions, Inc. is a privately held company providing compilation and runtime management solutions to enable FPGA-based customized computing for big-data applications in cloud computing. The company was founded in 2014, leveraging multi-year research program on customizable domain-specific computing at UCLA (led by Prof. Jason Cong). It is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, USA with an R&D center in Beijing, China.