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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[招聘]知名外企招聘 Program Manager

  •   hayswill · 2014-02-24 11:00:19 +08:00 · 2710 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3878 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Program Manager

    Leading software enterprise in the world
    Software Engineer in Test

    One of the world’s leading software platform providers is looking for talented Software Engineers in Test. The company has operations in more than 20 countries with more than 3,000 employees. It is currently serving millions of business users at 4,000 companies across 20 industries around the world.

    In this role, you will be researching applicability of new areas where we may extend our existing product suite and broader market for product input. You will also need to interact with customers to capture customer driven feedback and write specification and design documents to facilitate assimilation of new concepts into product features. Then you need to articulate to team members and management the value of these new features and back up with the research required to showcase overall value to the product suite, and thus evangelizing product suite to other internal teams as well as customers.

    The ideal candidate should have at least a Bachelor's Degree from a top university (211 or 985 program) with excellent academic performance (Master’s or Doctorate preferred, Major in Computer Science, Math or Engineering is a plus). Strong written and spoken English is a must. Exceptional analytical abilities, leadership, problem solving skills and creativity are required. It would be highly preferred if you acquire technical skills that will lend well to prototyping new design ideas, researching new trends in building rich mobile or internet applications, and have 18 months of relevant hands-on experience, esp. in software design and development. JavaScript, Java, Objective-C or C++ skills would be a plus.

    If you are interested in the position, please feel free to contact Will Wang for more information at [email protected] or call 010-5765 2688
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