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V2EX  ›  huntagain2008  ›  全部回复第 39 页 / 共 58 页
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@kevinlexming 嫌显示器挂灯太贵了,下单了宜家的枝架台灯,算是冲动消费,刚看的电影“杀手寓言 2”里好大的一个台灯,反派杀手玩拼图。没有看尺寸,搞不好买的是个鸡肋。
@jy02534655 一年断一次,我还能用四年,买了 4 条腕带仅仅为了包邮。
2022-01-09 20:49:15 +08:00
回复了 ling516 创建的主题 Windows 大家手机电脑互传软件用的是啥
OneDrive icloud
2022-01-08 20:41:12 +08:00
回复了 ChellFong 创建的主题 macOS 终于拥有了人生第一台 macbook
2019 年我买了人生第一台 MBA 最低配的。开始还找技术学怎么用 macbook 。至今还是不大了解用法。从未关过机,用一个星期发现电量 20%就充充电。当时到手只用 macbook 个把小时看文档学会了某个开发框架,然后就放床边吃灰了。只在工作日早上拿来听听国际广播。扩展坞什么的完全不考虑。硅谷的男主用的扩展坞应该挺贵的,所以我没考虑。移动 SSD 也不考虑。想想 128G 的用户怎么用的。
2022-01-08 16:30:25 +08:00
回复了 imn1 创建的主题 Linux MMXX,又滚挂了
本人小白。把 Arch Linux 装在 U 盘里,平时插在单位的集显台式机上用。看了你的贴子,刚刚插在家里的 N 卡独显用,本来好好的,然后想重启用 Windows ,鼠标点击重启时竟然死机了,CTRL+ALT+F2/F7 没效果。
2022-01-07 13:52:21 +08:00
回复了 imlinhanchao 创建的主题 分享创造 摸鱼大闯关!
@adminharlem #62 " 不错哟~这一关是密码关,找到密码先吧!"就是找密码,很简单的。作者完全把密码写在网站上了。
·「最烂」电影——杀戮都市、杀戮都市 2
·「最好」电视剧——Better Call Saul
2022-01-06 14:22:47 +08:00
回复了 han365 创建的主题 iCloud icloud 相册上传很慢,怎么办
本人小白,以前用 Firefox 打开 iCloud 上传几百个音频文件确实很慢,改用 Chrome 不知道为何上传就很快,用 iCloud for Windows 客户端 或者 Chrome 都不慢啊 。
2022-01-06 14:17:07 +08:00
回复了 JasonFlink 创建的主题 硬件 hd graphics 620 显卡能否 2k 开到 75hz
搜索结果第一条——Intel Community 有和你差不多的问题,答案看了 2 个都是不能。
Q:I have a dell inspiron 7378 with HD 620 and just bought a 1440p monitor that supports 75hz at that resolution.
I'm hooking up the monitor via HDMI and the refresh rate maxes out at 60hz. Is there something i need to enable to unlock the higher refresh rate? I have the latest drivers from Dell & Intel and would assume the HDMI cable provided by Dell would be rated high enough to handle the bandwith.Any suggestion?

A:After seeing so many issues here, I established a rule: If the cable came with a monitor, it is trash; throw it away and purchase a quality product.Your particular question has been asked previously. The answer has always been that 60Hz is the maximum. It makes no sense; even if the interface only supports HDMI 1.4, it can still handle 75Hz data rates for a standard 1440p monitor.Sorry. Maybe Intel Customer Support can provide a better answer...

Q:I have a Lenovo Yoga 520-14IKB and just bought a 1440p monitor that supports 75hz at that resolution. I connected it via HDMI (only option) and the refresh rate maxes out at 60hz. How to get 75 Hz?

A:The Intel® UHD Graphics 620 Controller and the graphics driver can display Max Resolution of 4096x2304@60Hz over DisplayPort* (DP) 1.2 or HDMI* 2.0, and 4096x2304@24Hz over HDMI 1.4.

When bandwidth and system configuration allow it, the GPU will display any resolution equal or lower than the Max Resolution supported by the processor that is also supported by the display and the computer. In this scenario, the Intel® Graphics Command Center will show the Display Modes supported by the monitor under the available "Resolution and Refresh rate" drop-down menus. This means that all the components involved in the configuration must support the desired resolution.

We would like to know if you have verified with the computer manufacturer (OEM) Lenovo* if the desired Resolution + Refresh rate is supported through the HDMI* port on the computer? This is since we have seen scenarios where OEM customizations may limit the Max Resolution and bandwidth supported by the system.

If your OEM confirms the desired resolution is supported, please provide us with the following information so we may check this further:

1- Just to make sure, when you said "1440p", do you mean Resolution 2560x1440@75Hz? If not, could you please confirm the exact resolution that you are trying to achieve?

2- We understand this is a new monitor? Is this behavior happening since the first day that you have the monitor? Have you tested the monitor with another computer? Have you tested another 1440p monitor with your computer? Please provide details:

3- Are you using a straight-through connection HDMI-to-HDMI with a single cable to connect the monitor? Or are you using any type of video adapters, converters, or dockings? Please provide details.

4- A Report for Intel® Graphics Drivers following the steps on the link. Make sure the monitor is connected to the computer when generating the report.

5- Run the Intel® System Support Utility (Intel® SSU) to gather more details about the system:

Download the Intel® SSU and save the application on your computer
Open the application, check the "Everything" checkbox, and click "Scan" to see the system and device information. The Intel® SSU defaults to the "Summary View" on the output screen following the scan. Click the menu where it says "Summary" to change to "Detailed View".
To save your scan, click Next and click Save.
Once you have saved the file (.txt file), please attach it to your reply.

To upload and attach a file, use the "Drag and drop here or browse files to attach" option below the response textbox.
2022-01-06 11:28:42 +08:00
回复了 tlmn 创建的主题 程序员 喜新厌旧 该如何调理
@tlmn #8 只好胡扯了。两个选择“一个是无限的可能,充满了未知,你可以用你的办法,去完美的塑造,让一切遗憾都消失,让所有的未来,都充满光芒”,“一个是固定的结局,虽看似符合你的心意,可却锁定了结果,让你一眼就可以看到尽头”。可是不管你选哪个,已经没有一个是当初了,所以要珍惜“旧”的东西,因为它们包含你当初幼稚的想法。
2022-01-06 09:51:13 +08:00
回复了 tlmn 创建的主题 程序员 喜新厌旧 该如何调理
@lycorischeung #6 额,搞错了,这是 P2419,我用的 U2419,可能确实比较黄。

2022-01-05 11:50:30 +08:00
回复了 xianyv 创建的主题 职场话题 要辞职了,总是感觉很紧张
本人小白,以前在小公司呆几个月主动提出辞职,我还写了 12345678 等等辞职的理由如下等等,然后公司老板还挺高兴,说谢谢我提出公司人事的各种不足之处。
2022-01-05 11:42:55 +08:00
回复了 2i2Re2PLMaDnghL 创建的主题 分享发现 求问各位去听 podcast(播客)理由?
本人小白,眼镜店说我有干眼症,以前班车上下班途中总是盯着手机玩游戏,后来觉得伤眼睛改成了带耳机听播客。V2EX 也有中文技术播客的推广。后来就一直听完了,记住的只有那几句:“我们是程序员,任何东西都可以通过教程学会”、“xy 问题,问题的方向就是错误的,不可能有正确的解答”、“对新手的建议那就是先学好英语”等等。技术什么的完全没有去管,也看不懂。只是觉得主持人声音挺好听的,讲自己的故事挺有意思的,爽朗的笑声,搞得我也不知不觉笑了,就是这样。
@lycorischeung 效果明显啊。
2022-01-04 16:10:26 +08:00
回复了 imlinhanchao 创建的主题 分享创造 摸鱼大闯关!
本人小白,非程序员。从 26 关开始就离谱了,在 Linux 上无法解压 rar 文件,将 rar 文件挪到 Windows 上才解压出来。还有 vim 打开图片找通关密码,做这些算智力游戏? 28 关就更不可能做出来了,对于外行完全没有相关知识根本毫无头绪。
2022-01-02 21:02:58 +08:00
回复了 LxnChan 创建的主题 Linux samba 共享问题
本人小白,可以试试 testparm smb.conf 看看实际配置是否正确。
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