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V2EX  ›  charliesimmon  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  7
62 天前
回复了 charliesimmon 创建的主题 分享创造 I just made RoastWordWare.com
@ck65 @shortawn thanks for feedback, I just need to figure it out and make it right
70 天前
回复了 charliesimmon 创建的主题 分享创造 Just Made yaelokreocmaker.com
@pendulum Just ship the landing page fast and I am still working on the main part. it is really complicated and costs much more time
70 天前
回复了 charliesimmon 创建的主题 分享创造 Anyone wanna check weekly MRR.report?
@oaa Monthly Recurring Revenue. Any saas guy knows that
97 天前
回复了 charliesimmon 创建的主题 分享创造 I just created AIcompliment.me
@HojiOShi Yes, some minor errors at the beginning. now everything should be ok
197 天前
回复了 charliesimmon 创建的主题 分享创造 A Viking Name Generator
@sunamask Hi, I spent two days to add a the AI-generated function: ai.VikingNameGenerator.com, now you may try it! As for the AI-art portrait, I will try to do it next week with a new subdomain! Hope you like it if you may check! More pleasure if you could reply
198 天前
回复了 charliesimmon 创建的主题 分享创造 A Viking Name Generator
Thank you Sooooo much!!! I am too nervious to post my website here for the first time. I really appreciate your remind and advice. I am actually planning to write a second page especially for AI-generated character background outline. There are some templates and I will try it and reply here later. Thank you again!
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