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2020-02-18 18:31:47 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 问与答 有没有人有起诉的经历?我想去起诉欠我钱的人
@Nathanzheng 是啊,我已经跟他发微信了,你可以没钱我也不急,分 128 期、或者你说 10 年后开始按月多少还都没关系。就是不要不回复一声不吭。
2020-02-18 18:30:36 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 问与答 有没有人有起诉的经历?我想去起诉欠我钱的人
@leeolsen 暂时不买房,已经有房了。
2020-02-17 11:49:56 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 问与答 有没有人有起诉的经历?我想去起诉欠我钱的人
@mumbler 我大学还没毕业,去杭州实习,公司没几个人,小公司,氛围很好,基本大家都很熟。还经常出去玩,各个景点,开车啊什么的。然后没几个月,他微信邀请我开通那个什么网商贷,让我看额度。然后没几天后,说借出来他投资,分 12 期,我就借了,因为都一个公司,想到一期也就几百,如果不还我还能直接跟公司的管钱要。

结果就陆续这样,一般就是 12 个月就说再借出来,然后支付宝额度更大,就又借出来。

2020-02-17 11:40:22 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 问与答 有没有人有起诉的经历?我想去起诉欠我钱的人
@leeolsen 一开始不知道啊,是最后还不上,他才发各种截图,就是通话记录、赌博输了的记录,说明他现在没钱的意思,我才知道。而那时候我就大概率知道没了
2020-02-17 09:06:35 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 问与答 有没有人有起诉的经历?我想去起诉欠我钱的人
@shanlan 实际是大概率他不会,他玩赌博,他自己欠了大约 90w,都是网贷,那时候他还和我聊天,发各种截图,每天 200 个网贷来电他不接,还有短信要挟说上门什么的,他都不怕。而我这个是因为和他还是同事,我说那行吧不急,所以都 3 年了,而现在大约半年前,我现在发消息已经不回复我了,我说大哥你说分个 128 期还给我都行,都不回复我。而我朋友看我这情况我也大概知道估计钱没了,所以现在只想如果自己要不回来,能否听过法律帮我拿回来?法院会不会帮我强制拿回钱?
2020-02-17 09:02:57 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 问与答 有没有人有起诉的经历?我想去起诉欠我钱的人
@Messiv2 我也是,我几年前就已经再也不借别人钱了,一次坑怕
2020-02-13 08:08:48 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 问与答 为什么安卓 YouTube 有时候无法悬浮窗播放?
ohoh,我就一直用自己的 ss,美国的。凌晨不行,现在又可以了。很奇怪
2020-02-08 15:17:10 +08:00
回复了 lhx2008 创建的主题 问与答 windows 系统有没有办法把屏幕屏蔽掉一部分?
2020-02-08 15:12:29 +08:00
回复了 Sixi 创建的主题 macOS macOS 上的剪贴板神器 Paste 今日限免
2020-02-07 18:31:23 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 MacBook Pro MacBook 装 win10 后分享
@CSGO @kuriko 可以了,下载另一个安装后有效。
2020-02-07 18:24:50 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 MacBook Pro MacBook 装 win10 后分享
@kuriko 安装后没效果啊
2020-02-07 18:20:06 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 MacBook Pro MacBook 装 win10 后分享
@yanlx 我怎么设置-设备-触摸板下没有滚动方向设置呢?
2020-02-06 20:24:48 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 问与答 安居客 app 上的房子有什么坑吗?
整天弄些破活动,我优酷会员都 2024 年到期,QQ 超级会员 2026 年到期,shit
2020-02-06 17:53:44 +08:00
回复了 ikewyz 创建的主题 奇思妙想 有没有戏?做一个脱单互助平台,非相亲平台。
2020-02-06 11:26:45 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 问与答 macbook pro 2016 装 win10 声音、触摸板和外接 hub 问题
@CallmeDredd 当然是怪 apple。这个我已经同步发到 apple 社区反馈希望 apple 能修复。这种事情,apple 装完,就没测试吗?
2020-02-05 23:10:18 +08:00
回复了 CSGO 创建的主题 MacBook Pro MacBook 装 win10 后分享
@BrettD 不行,看我与 steam 客服的对话:

您于 1 月 30 日下午 10:02 ­回复的信息 | 6 天前
Why does the Steam client consume a lot of memory?
I tested one of my steam accounts, because there are 4000 games, when I open steam, the memory display uses 9.35G. When I switched to another steam account for 600 games, the memory was only 235mb.

您于 1 月 30 日下午 10:03 ­回复的信息 | 6 天前
I forgot to say that I used the latest version of macOS and tested the MacBook and iMac with the same results.

于 2 月 2 日上午 5:32 来自 Steam 客服的信息 | 3 天前

When you notice that Steam may be using more resources on your system than normal it could be caused by a few different issues. Many users have found that entering Steam's Big Picture mode has acted like a soft reset.

Please try using Steam's Big Picture mode, then you can return to the normal client to test the issue.

Best Regards,

您于 2 月 2 日下午 6:12 ­回复的信息 | 3 天前
It didn't seem to work. I just tested it and turned on steam. The memory footprint was 8.55G. Then I switched to the large screen mode. I did not exit the large screen and checked the memory footprint of 8.75G. When I quit the big screen, the memory returned occupied 8.55G. I will explain again that this is a problem with my steam account with thousands of games on macOS, and using an account with only 600 games has only 200MB of memory.

您于 2 月 2 日下午 6:12 ­回复的信息 | 3 天前
It didn't seem to work. I just tested it and turned on steam. The memory footprint was 8.55G. Then I switched to the large screen mode. I did not exit the large screen and checked the memory footprint of 8.75G. When I quit the big screen, the memory returned occupied 8.55G. I will explain again that this is a problem with my steam account with thousands of games on macOS, and using an account with only 600 games has only 200MB of memory.

于 2 月 3 日上午 12:57 来自 Steam 客服的信息 | 2 天前
Thank you for trying that step for us.

Next I recommend trying all of the troubleshooting steps in our Steam Client Troubleshooting article. I know it is a long article but the steps it provides have been known to resolve issues like the one you're currently experiencing with the Steam client.

If the steps in the article don't resolve the problem then we'll need some more information to better understand the issue you're experiencing.
If you are seeing any error messages, please send us screenshots that show the errors clearly.
Providing context about the crash can help us investigate the cause. Did anything change on your system? Is the crashing associated with any recent updates?
Are you able to test the issue on a different machine, or test the issue on the same machine with a different account? Both of these tests are valuable.

Please let me know if I can help clarify anything.

Best Regards,

您于 2 月 3 日下午 1:49 ­回复的信息 | 2 天前
I think I tried everything inside and I tried everything to no avail. And I said, on two computers, MacBook and iMac, and two steam accounts, one account has thousands of games, and the other account is 600 games. The test results are consistent with my previous feedback.

And this result, I'm sure there is only this problem on the latest version of macOS, which was normal on Mac before.

于 2 月 5 日上午 1:51 来自 Steam 客服的信息 | 21 小时前
Hi there,

I've tested this out on a few Macs we have here - I logged in on a master account that has over 30k games and I'm showing just under 200mg of memory usage.

You could try Steam in 'Small Mode' and see if that reduces the memory usage - Windows > Small Mode.

I don't have much in the way of troubleshooting for this - as we haven't been able to reproduce this and we're not seeing anything out of the norm in the logs from your system.

Best Regards,

您于 2 月 5 日下午 12:46 ­回复的信息 | 10 小时前
Alright, I used a newly purchased iMac, booted for the first time, upgraded to the latest version and restarted the computer many times, then downloaded steam directly, and logged in to other accounts with only a few hundred memory. When I logged in to my account, The memory reaches 8G again. I can only think that this may be related to my account.
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