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V2EX  ›  酷工作

欧洲公司上海研发中心: iOS /Web 前端开发工程师/游戏 3D 设计师,薪水好谈,不加班,英语口语有要求

  •   fancyfrees · 2020-08-05 14:08:24 +08:00 · 1545 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1680 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。



    一、Web 前端开发( react )

    Location: Shanghai

    Experience: 5+ years of experience including 2+ years with React in developing web apps

    professionally (in China)


    Design and develop new web app features as defined by Product Manager and Ecosystem Architect, leveraging the core web SDK


    ● Design and develop new web app features as defined by Product Manager and Ecosystem Architect.

    ● Design China localized features in the web SDK based on the specificities of the Chinese ecosystems

    ● Ensure portability of the China web app on the most popular ecosystems (incl, WeChat, Huawei Health, JD Health, Hi-link)

    ● Help the team in Europe, better understand the specificities of Chinese mobile, web & IoT ecosystems

    ● Provide support and expert advice on how to best implement the web SDKs (core & localization) in the context of chinese ecosystems

    Technical Expertise required for the position

    ● You are passionate about good software design and Software Craftsmanship.

    ● You are an outstanding web developer with great debugging skills.

    ● You know the ReactJS framework and toolchain inside out.

    ● You are used to testing your code using mocks

    ● You are experienced in creating quick pilots of localised functions and modules for the China web app landscape

    ● English (must)

    二、iOS 开发工程师

    Senior iOS Developer

    Location: Shanghai

    Experience: 5+ years of experience in developing iOS Apps professionally


    Design and develop new features as defined by Product Manager and Ecosystem Architect, leveraging the iOS SDK

    Act as bridge between SDK Core functions and China Localisation implementations.


    ● Develop & maintain the SDKs as part of our iOS software team (in Europe). Make and receive code reviews, participate in design discussions, improve our testing tools

    ● Design China localized features in the SDK based on the specificities of the Chinese mobile and iOT landscape

    ● Help the team in Europe better understand Chinese team requirements, feedbacks, and the specificities of Chinese mobile & iOT landscape

    ● Provide support and expert advice on how to best implement the SDKs (core & localization) in China apps

    Technical Expertise required for the position

    ● You are passionate about good software design and Software Craftsmanship.

    ● You are an outstanding Swift developer with great debugging skills.

    ● You know the iOS framework and toolchain inside out.

    ● You are used to testing your code using mocks

    ● You are experienced in creating quick pilots of localised functions and modules for the China mobile landscape

    Technical skills

    ● Swift, RxSwift, Objective C (mandatory)

    ● Experience building apps in the MVVM pattern

    ● Realm database knowledge is a plus

    ● Experience in developing mobile SDK

    ● Scrum / Agile methodology.

    Non-technical skills

    You are solution oriented and open-minded

    You are f lexible, motivated and willing to keep learning

    You have strong written and oral communication skills

    ● English (must)

    三、Game Artist & UI Integrator (熟悉 3D )

    Location: Shanghai

    Job Description

    The Game Artist & UI Integrator is an accomplished artist with the knowledge to solve technical problems and implement UI art. The candidate will gain hands-on experience with the editor and tools, working with the UI/UX Design, Art and Code departments in crafting the player experiences.


    ● 5+ year experience, similar experience will be plus

    ● Proficient with Photoshop - senior level

    ● Proficient with 3D design and animation

    ● Significant experience in UI assets integration in Unity3D

    ● Game UI development experience - highly desirable

    ● Composition/color knowledge - must have

    ● Ability to work in a multicultural team

    ● Passion for video games and game design

    ● Strong written and oral communication skills

    ● English - upper intermediate level

    Personal qualities

    ● Creative: able to bring original and constructive ideas given a set of constraints

    ● Initiative: rise and bring problems to the table, propose improvements

    ● Team player: communicate and work in the development team

    ● Sense of ownership: from the spark of the idea to the feedback from the actual user

    ● Solution oriented and open-minded

    ● Flexible, motivated and willing to keep learning


    ● Communicate efficiently with the other teams on the problems encountered providing different solutions

    ● Work closely with the other Game Artists and Programmers to develop game content

    ● Implement and maintain China localized UI assets in the game’s engine

    ● Find a balance between desired aesthetics and the technical constraints of the game engine & SDK

    ● Ensure the technical consistency and integrity of UI assets, by means of profiling and optimization

    ● Get ahead of technical problems and (help) solve them before they arise.

    ● Help with ideas and feedback in the development of the UI editor

    ● Test and debug UI content to ensure there is no conflict with the rest of the game

    ● Understand and develop best practices, workflows, and pipelines within the dev team

    ● Manage relationship and provide support to Shanghai-based 3rd party game development agencies

    ● Help the Game team (in Europe) better understand 3rd party Chinese game developers' needs & feedback as well as the specificities of Chinese mobile & gaming landscape.


    ● English (must)
    1 条回复    2020-08-06 16:10:47 +08:00
       2020-08-06 16:10:47 +08:00
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