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App Annie 招聘 Front-End Engineer,福利好到没朋友。

  •   appannie2014 · 2014-12-05 17:45:48 +08:00 · 2218 次点击
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    Front End Team Lead

    The Role

    We are seeking a talented front-end leader. You will lead a front-end team to build websites and software dashboard interfaces for App Annie. The interfaces you create will be used by the top app publishers around the world. You will be an integral member of this team and will work directly with the UI / UX Designer and product and marketing teams.


    -Lead and manage the team of Front-end developers
    -Architect and define the front-end framework to solve complex design and interactions challenges
    -Provide mentorship and guidance to technical team members
    -Work with the UI / UX Designer to design and execute on new features for App Annie's industry-leading analytics dashboard (web)
    -Manage for all front-end development execution across a wide range of online marketing campaigns including web, social media and email
    -Solve complex problems related to front-end web development and provide accurate estimates and scope for team deliverables


    You should be a talented web developer with enough experience to hit the ground running. Ideal candidates will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive HTML/CSS/JavaScript development experience and will be able to get up to speed quickly.

    -Ability to work in a team environment, from making pixel perfect sites that meet the design requirements to integrating code with the back-end development team
    -Minimum 4 years of web development experience
    -Proven Team Management skills
    -Strong knowledge and experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    -CSS3 / Compass / Sass / LESS, Adaptive and Responsive implementations
    -Comfortable working with templates in server-side technologies
    -Ability to write scalable, maintainable, testable code
    -Understand the principals of object-oriented development
    -Expertise in one of the MV*/MVC frameworks: Backbone / Ember / Angular
    -Good level of English to communicate in an international environment
    'Extra Credit'

    -You contribute to the open source community and are active on blogs, twitter and HackerNews
    -Experience working in a start-up environment

    在全球应用商店经济环境中,App Annie一直处于市场情报及分析行业中的领导地位。超过80%的100强iOS发行商们都倚仗于App Annie的数据产品来获知应用商店业务的信息,其中包括:EA、GREE、Storm8、 微软以及诺基亚。
    我们向应用商店社区提供免费以及付费的产品。“App Annie 分析” 产品可以让发行商追踪自己产品的下载量、收入、排名以及评价的情况。与此同时,App Annie还允许任何一个人分析全球应用商店中的排名情况。而这些都是完全免费的。“App Annie 情报”是我们的一款高端产品,其提供了目前所知最为精确的应用商店市场数据。
    App Annie是一家私人持有的全球化公司,我们在北京、旧金山、香港、伦敦以及巴黎都设有分支机构。公司由来自美国、日本以及中国的投资机构支持,其中包括:Greycroft Partners、 e.ventures、 Infinity Venture Partners 以及 IDG Capital Partners。
    我们以位于三里屯SOHO的顶级办公环境+竞争性的薪酬+六险一金+股票期权计划+近乎完美的福利报销制度(最新式的MacBook Air/Pro+IPhone/IPad+健身费+宽带费+探亲费+学习鼓励费等)诚邀您的加盟!


    App Annie在全球有8个据点,员工们说着18种语言,经常来往于世界各地。她选择住在北京和旧金山,因为她喜欢和数据怪才们共度时光。
    Annie沉迷于数据,吸引了IDG、Greycroft、红杉资本、e.ventures、Infinity Venture Partners等重量级风险投资人。
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