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[intern] International startup seeks hacker

  •   hrchl86 · 2014-11-27 03:28:44 +08:00 · 1924 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3607 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Hacker needed, now! We are a startup with team members located in a Scandinavian city and Shanghai. We are building an web-based platform that connects business opportunites bewteen Nordic and Asian (especially Chinese) markets. Now we are seeking a hacker that are passionate to join our team.

    Job descriptions:

    We are looking an experienced full stack web developer. You will be responsible for building out our web platform and work closely with us, the whole product development team. We encourage creativity and doer spirit.

    Required IT skills and experiences:
    internet scrappying/crawling
    web design
    familiar with at least one web development framework
    familiarity with Git or other version control system

    In addition, it is desirable if you have the willingness and potential to go abroad working in an English-speaking environment down the road. Ideally, you are currently based in Shanghai.

    We offer:
    standard intern pay rate
    startup enviroment
    opportunity to join the team as full-time employee
    potential working opportunty in a Nordic country
    A flexible working schedule - You can work at home, at weekends

    You are required to work minimum 4 days a week. We prefer to have a long-term internship.

    Please send your CV with related experiences to [email protected]
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