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[上海浦东] 求 Java Developer. otms.cn 靠谱创业公司,完成首轮融资 • 东方路 877 号嘉兴大厦 - 八百伴/世纪大道

  •   oTMS · 2014-02-18 11:45:10 +08:00 · 2887 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3884 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    oTMS是基于中国市场的独特创新,2011年开始研发,2013年1月正式上线,成功实施全国最大的服装零售企业Bestseller,连接其数十家物流服务商,30多个NDC+RDC以及数千家门店,并在Global Supply Chain Council的评选中获得“2013 Best IT Supply Chain Solution Provider”的奖项,同时,oTMS还很快实施了众多其他货主方和运输公司的上线。oTMS并且也获得了资本市场的青睐,完成首轮融资,进入发展的快速通道。



    We are looking for a Java Developer to help us build high-performing, scalable, enterprise-grade applications.

    You will be part of a talented software team that works on mission-critical applications.
    The team is responsible for Java/Java EE application development while providing expertise in the full software development lifecycle, from concept and design to testing and support.

    1) Work as a team member, taking responsibility to complete the tasks the development team has committed to.
    2) Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle.
    3) Write well designed, testable, efficient code.
    4) Ensure designs are in compliance with specifications.
    5) Prepare and produce releases of software components.
    6) Prepare and produce technical documentation for customer support and software testing

    Basic requirements:
    1) BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject
    2) Three to five years of professional software development experience
    3) 3 years experience in commercial JEE projects
    4) ability to function in an English-language work environment
    5) Knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate)
    6) Familiarity with the Spring framework

    Bonus items:
    - Android App development experience
    - Automated testing experience
    - Web application development experience
    - Experience with Vaadin or Swing
    - Experience with the MVC pattern
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