Nugine0 #88 又开始扣 Hate Rust 帽子了,我说了,你要别人客观,就事论事,自己得先客观,别动不动扣“hate rust”的帽子。
Every additional bit that another language creeps in drastically reduces the maintainability of the kernel as an integrated project. The only reason Linux managed to survive so long is by not having internal boundaries, and adding another language completely breaks this. You might not like my answer, but I will do everything I can do to stop this. This is NOT because I hate Rust. While not my favorite language it's definitely one of the best new ones and I encourage people to use it for new projects where it fits. I do not want it anywhere near a huge C code base that I need to maintain.
Google, Arm, Microsoft, Red Hat 等公司支持 Rust for Linux ,不代表就要动核心,Linus 也支持不代表现在就全部重写,我说了现在大家不是完全信任 Rust ,Rust 也没证明它对得起大家的信任,有几个项目用这个改写的已经迁移回去了,你能不能看清楚?
你是政治 zz 的获益者吗? Rust 不绝对就是绝对不 Rust 是吧?极端主义都卷到这来啦?
> 写驱动要用 DMA ,你一万个不同意,就因为你 hate Rust 。这下下游没法干了,你这是合作的态度?
If you want to make Linux impossible to maintain due to a cross-language codebase, do that in your driver so that you have to do it instead of spreading this cancer to core subsystems. (where this cancer explicitly is a cross-language codebase and not Rust itself, just to escape the flameware brigade).