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官翻air1, 港行的话更便宜
2015-01-16 16:32:56 +08:00
回复了 icedx 创建的主题 问与答 转运公司哪家强?
转中,黑五比较慢,1个半月。 平时还可以,入库 到 到手,大概2周左右。
2014-12-26 12:24:58 +08:00
回复了 Showfom 创建的主题 程序员 说说你学会的第一个 Linux 命令?
2014-12-17 14:42:40 +08:00
回复了 mailunion 创建的主题 iPhone 大家的 iPhone 6 用了什么贴膜和保护壳,如果用了的话?
这篇文章分析的有道理,如果想防摔,贴个钢化膜。 AGC的50~60。 皮套没用。
2014-12-10 17:35:42 +08:00
回复了 Jafee 创建的主题 问与答 CSDN 每天发邮件怎么办?
国内很多网站很贱,退订没用的。 专门注册一个邮箱去申请帐号吧。。。已经被攻占的只能设置过滤规则了。
2014-12-10 17:31:04 +08:00
回复了 lwj0012 创建的主题 Linux vim 转 Emacs?
2014-12-10 17:24:18 +08:00
回复了 Sleebi 创建的主题 分享发现 关于联通 1G 的流量包,购买的是总和 1G 啊。
2014-12-05 12:27:34 +08:00
回复了 Bitex 创建的主题 问与答 为什么大多数网站的用户名都要求“必须以字母开头”?

An advantage of this restriction is URLs.

If a user's ID is 177896 and their username is H4rold, then you can have 2 URLs to reach this user depending on which information you have at hand:


Then, on that page, they determine how to look up the user by checking whether the first character is a letter or a digit. Alternatively, they could just force you to include at least one non-numeric character, though that increases the complexity of the check from a character comparison to either a regular expression or a looping multiple-character comparison.

However, not all websites with these restrictions take advantage of this flexibility. My theory is that web developers have seen this restriction so often that they just took it as the norm rather than investigating its purpose... We do that, sometimes.
如果海关没有真的收税,预售的关税会退给你的。 smzdm上看到网友说的。。。
2014-12-04 16:38:10 +08:00
回复了 fibonacci 创建的主题 问与答 求推荐个信用卡
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