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V2EX 第 589747 号会员,加入于 2022-08-01 00:09:49 +08:00
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ibruce 最近回复了
@fulajickhz 还在调解
@42371838 直接起诉吧,在线起诉很快的,受理之后就寄纸质材料到法院,而且可以申请视频审理,不需要亲自出庭。
@takumiOnTheMoon 法院正在调解中,我说除非满足我的诉讼请求,起码满足两三条,我才考虑调解,汇丰是一条也不肯答应。然后法院一直拖,明明调解失败了,非要说还在调解中,迟迟不开庭。也不知法院为啥要这么做。
@RlyehHime 收到泽西的邮件了,太坏了他们,竟然不允许把余额转到其他 HSBC 帐户……

Dear Mr

Your banking relationship with us

As part of our ongoing effort and responsibility to make sure we fully
know our customers and their banking needs, we undertake reviews of all
our customer relationships.

We're sorry, but after careful consideration, we've decided to give you
notice that we'll be ending your banking relationship with us 60 days
from the date of this letter. This is in accordance with our HSBC Expat
Personal Banking and Private Banking Terms and Conditions.

Your remaining balance

Please phone us or provide us with a written instruction to let us know
where you'd like us to send any balance held on your account. Please be
aware that transfers to any HSBC bank account worldwide aren't
permitted, and the transfer must be to an account in your own name.

If you've been issued with a card or cheques, please destroy these by
cutting them so they're not usable and then dispose of them securely.
Any money owed to us, including cheques and card transactions, presented
after the account is closed will need to be repaid to us.

If you owe us any money, we may take it from your account balance. In
your terms and conditions, this is called our right of set-off.

If we don't receive instructions from you within 60 days, we'll close
your account and hold any balance separately. To receive any funds after
the account is closed, will require you to provide us with satisfactory
and current evidence to verify your identity and address.

We're here to help

If you have any questions, please call us. Our team is available 24/7
and can be reached on:

Premier customers: +44 1534 616313*
Advance customers: +44 1534 616212*

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your HSBC Expat Team
@RlyehHime 大陆,香港,泽西。先是大陆封了。一个月后泽西说在审查,审查两个月了还没给结论,帐户限制了。香港的目前还没问题
88 天前
回复了 easyii 创建的主题 Apple 你们都升级 ios18 系统了吗?咋样
@loux 真的吗?那看来我的 13 mini 也应该升级?
@zictos @ilcn 原告对自己的陈述的案件事实和诉讼请求,被告对自己的反驳事实和理由负有举证义务.

Zictos 和 Ilcn 的核心论点
Zictos 认为,汇丰银行单方面关闭原告账户的行为构成违约。他声称,格式合同条款中赋予银行此类广泛的终止权的条款是无效的,因为它们损害了合同的目的。Zictos 认为汇丰银行的行为具有歧视性,并将其比作其他用户可能被大公司不公平地拒绝服务的情形。
Ilcn 反驳说,如果合同没有明确禁止关闭账户,则不存在违约行为。他认为,除非汇丰银行明确承诺提供无限期服务,否则他们没有义务这样做。Ilcn 还指出,原告的主张可能缺乏具体的法律依据,并强调在提起诉讼时依赖既定的法律条款的重要性。

Zictos 的论点:
Zictos 关于格式合同条款中赋予单方面终止权的条款的有效性的论点,其根源在于合同关系中的公平与诚信原则。虽然银行确实有权在某些情况下关闭账户(例如,涉嫌非法活动),但在没有正当理由的情况下任意行使此权利可被视为违约,尤其是在合同缺乏明确的终止条款的情况下。此外,许多司法管辖区的消费者保护法可能会限制企业在标准格式合同中包含不公平条款的能力。
Ilcn 的论点:
Ilcn 关于合同中没有明确禁止关闭账户的条款的观点在技术上是正确的。然而,它忽略了合同法的更广泛背景,即即使没有明确说明,合同法也常常暗示某些义务。例如,默示的诚信原则表明,各方应以合理和公平的方式履行其合同义务。此外,合同解释中的合理性原则要求合同条款的解释应公平合理,并考虑协议的总体目的。

根据现有信息和上述原则,Zictos 的论点似乎在法律上更站得住脚。虽然可能缺乏直接针对这种情况的具体法律条款,但合同法和消费者保护的一般原则倾向于保护消费者免受任意和不合理的账户关闭。
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