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V2EX 第 430681 号会员,加入于 2019-07-19 21:58:55 +08:00
arvin2020 最近回复了
2019-08-07 10:27:20 +08:00
回复了 Dullsir 创建的主题 Stripe Stripe 注册公司难吗?有成功注册过的大佬吗?
@shiji 我也注册了一个美国 INC,也激活了 stripe,但是新问题来了,他们打算在 14 天后关闭我的 stripe。

Diving right in, it looks like your Stripe account is based in the US. However, it appears you're missing some of the qualifications for having a Stripe account based in the United States. Each account based in the US must have all of the following:

* A tax ID in the US, either an SSN, ITIN, or EIN
* A verifiable bank account based in the US
* A photo ID, typically a passport, in the event that we're not able to verify your identity automatically using a SSN or ITIN
* A physical and verifiable, non-virtual business location associated with your business' legal name and tax ID
* At least one employee or account/business owner physically based in the US

Without those above items our hands are tied. We would recommend creating a Stripe account in your home country as soon as Stripe is available there, but in the meantime we cannot reopen your account.

2019-07-27 18:32:37 +08:00
回复了 Dullsir 创建的主题 Stripe Stripe 注册公司难吗?有成功注册过的大佬吗?
@shiji 好的,谢谢,感觉好复杂了,关键是咋样算盈利的帐是个关键~
2019-07-25 09:18:27 +08:00
回复了 Dullsir 创建的主题 Stripe Stripe 注册公司难吗?有成功注册过的大佬吗?
@shiji Tks, 我申请 Atlas 也没有通过,看来也只能走你的路线了,你的税务问题怎么处理的啊,难道是免税?只用交州税和经营税?
2019-07-21 08:39:56 +08:00
回复了 Dullsir 创建的主题 Stripe Stripe 注册公司难吗?有成功注册过的大佬吗?
@shiji 我是要注册美国 stripe,你是说弄一个人 EIN 就行了?
2019-07-20 20:52:44 +08:00
回复了 Dullsir 创建的主题 Stripe Stripe 注册公司难吗?有成功注册过的大佬吗?
@shiji 为什么都注册 Inc 呢,LLC 注册 stripe 不可以吗?
2019-07-20 20:51:09 +08:00
回复了 Dullsir 创建的主题 Stripe Stripe 注册公司难吗?有成功注册过的大佬吗?
@shiji 请问你是在哪儿注册的 Inc 啊?我也想注册一个~
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