Did you know you’ve earned some free credits in your Notion account? You can use them to upgrade to any of our paid options, including:
• Plus plan: Unlimited storage for teams • Notion AI: Leverage the power of AI, right inside your workspace
These free credits are expiring on June 1st, 2023. You can go to Settings & Members on desktop to see your current balance. Or, go here to learn more about Notion’s upgrade options.
说明下情况:我的 notion workspace 是在某宝买的号称 10 年账号,几十块钱价格不贵,带有 1000 多刀的余额,每个月开 Plus Plan 算了下也差不多,目前已经使用了快 3 年多。如果理解的没问题,今年 6 月份应该算过期了。
有一说一,还不如老老实实用 free 版本,除了历史记录,没啥区别。对了,我连历史记录都没用过。写好一篇直接锁了,几乎不会误修改。所以即使现在余额全部过期也无所谓,当初试水的时候没想过要用很久,心里预期本就不高。以后付费服务还是干脆点,通过正规渠道搞了。当然,类似土耳其区这种的感觉还是可以搞搞的,毕竟当下经济萧条,就业环境差,钱还是不能乱花。
chen88ijn 2023-04-07 10:26:52 +08:00