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版本 3.25 中的新功能
Cool New Leaderboards
✔ Climb to the top of your Clan; see who's on the rise and who's falling
✔ New local Leaderboards: who's the best player in your country?
✔ Clan members who recently joined tagged as "New"
✔ Supersize my Leaderboards! More players now fit onboard
New unit upgrades!
✔ Upgrade your Laboratory to unlock these mighty level 6 units:
✔ Barbarians get sharper swords and mighty horned helmets
✔ Archers get new bow techniques and fashionable tiaras from their Queen
✔ Giants are heartier and hairier than ever
✔ Balloons are pimped out with spikes and the Jolly Roger
Air-tight air defense!
✔ New deadly traps to stop airborne attackers: Air Bomb and Seeking Air Mine
✔ Upgrade your Air Defense turrets to level 7 to shoot down the nastiest dragons
✔ Turn enemy balloons into pincushions with the level 11 Archer Tower
Hero improvements!
✔ Heroes recover health faster thanks to the Alchemists' new sleep potion
✔ Hero level and stats are now displayed correctly when visiting villages
✔ Heroes now patrol a larger area and show guard radius when tapped
Gameplay improvements
✔ We discovered that metal armor conducts electrickery! P.E.K.K.A is now a priority target and receives extra damage from Hidden Teslas
✔ Spell creation times reduced - blast more magic more often
✔ Notification when your troops are ready for battle (Army Camps full)
✔ Wall levels 9 and 10 strengthened: hold off the rampaging hordes for longer
✔ Shop now notifies when new items are available
✔ New Achievements: Heroic Heist and Mortar Mauler
✔ Tapping a trap shows its trigger radius
1 条回复 • 1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
sevenday 2013-02-05 17:44:27 +08:00