vim 有很多著名的 grep 插件,我使用过的有 ack.vim ,ag.vim 和 ctrlsf.vim ,它们应该也是目前用户最多的几个了。
Leaderf rg
之前一直使用的是它。Leaderf rg
顾名思义,后端基于 rg,由于是LeaderF的子功能,基因上就决定它完美支持异步。同时 LeaderF 又是一个非著名的模糊查找插件,这使它可以在 grep 结果的基础上再通过模糊匹配的方式进行二次过滤,来帮助用户更快地锁定目标,这是目前上面提到的插件所不具备的。
快速 grep 工具目前有 ag, rg, pt, sift, ucg 等。
我选择 rg 有以下几点原因:
rg --help
看出来。Leaderf rg
使用介绍Leaderf rg
+ rg 命令和选项(同命令行上一样)
具体使用方法可以用:Leaderf rg -h
usage: Leaderf[!] rg [-h] [-e <PATTERN>...] [-F] [-i] [-L] [-P] [-S] [-s] [-v]
[-w] [-x] [--hidden] [--no-config] [--no-ignore]
[--no-ignore-global] [--no-ignore-parent]
[--no-ignore-vcs] [--no-pcre2-unicode] [-E <ENCODING>]
[-M <NUM>] [-m <NUM>] [--max-depth <NUM>]
[--max-filesize <NUM+SUFFIX?>]
[--path-separator <SEPARATOR>] [--sort <SORTBY>]
[--sortr <SORTBY>] [-f <PATTERNFILE>...] [-g <GLOB>...]
[--iglob <GLOB>...] [--ignore-file <PATH>...]
[--type-add <TYPE_SPEC>...] [-t <TYPE>...] [-T <TYPE>...]
[--current-buffer | --all-buffers] [--recall] [--append]
[--reverse] [--stayOpen] [--input <INPUT> | --cword]
[--top | --bottom | --left | --right | --belowright | --aboveleft | --fullScreen]
[--nameOnly | --fullPath | --fuzzy | --regexMode] [--nowrap]
[<PATH> [<PATH> ...]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
specific arguments:
-e <PATTERN>..., --regexp <PATTERN>...
A pattern to search for. This option can be provided multiple times, where all
patterns given are searched.
-F, --fixed-strings Treat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular expression.
-i, --ignore-case Searches case insensitively.
-L, --follow Follow symbolic links while traversing directories.
-P, --pcre2 When this flag is present, rg will use the PCRE2 regex engine instead of its
default regex engine.
-S, --smart-case Searches case insensitively if the pattern is all lowercase, case sensitively
-s, --case-sensitive Searches case sensitively.
-v, --invert-match Invert matching. Show lines that do not match the given patterns.
-w, --word-regexp Only show matches surrounded by word boundaries. This is roughly equivalent to
putting \b before and after all of the search patterns.
-x, --line-regexp Only show matches surrounded by line boundaries.
--hidden Search hidden files and directories. By default, hidden files and directories
are skipped.
--no-config Never read configuration files. When this flag is present, rg will not respect
the RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
--no-ignore Don't respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.). This implies
--no-ignore-parent and --no-ignore-vcs.
--no-ignore-global Don't respect ignore files that come from 'global' sources such as git's
`core.excludesFile` configuration option (which defaults to
--no-ignore-parent Don't respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.) in parent directories.
--no-ignore-vcs Don't respect version control ignore files (.gitignore, etc.).
--no-pcre2-unicode When PCRE2 matching is enabled, this flag will disable
Unicode mode, which is otherwise enabled by default.
-E <ENCODING>, --encoding <ENCODING>
Specify the text encoding that rg will use on all files searched.
-M <NUM>, --max-columns <NUM>
Don't print lines longer than this limit in bytes.
-m <NUM>, --max-count <NUM>
Limit the number of matching lines per file searched to NUM.
--max-depth <NUM> Limit the depth of directory traversal to NUM levels beyond the paths given.
--max-filesize <NUM+SUFFIX?>
Ignore files larger than NUM in size. This does not apply to directories.
--path-separator <SEPARATOR>
Set the path separator to use when printing file paths.
--sort <SORTBY> This flag enables sorting of results in ascending order.
--sortr <SORTBY> This flag enables sorting of results in descending order.
-f <PATTERNFILE>..., --file <PATTERNFILE>...
Search for patterns from the given file, with one pattern per line.
(This option can be provided multiple times.)
-g <GLOB>..., --glob <GLOB>...
Include or exclude files and directories for searching that match the given
glob.(This option can be provided multiple times.)
--iglob <GLOB>... Include or exclude files and directories for searching that match the given glob.
Globs are matched case insensitively.(This option can be provided multiple times.)
--ignore-file <PATH>...
Specifies a path to one or more .gitignore format rules files.
--type-add <TYPE_SPEC>...
Add a new glob for a particular file type.
-t <TYPE>..., --type <TYPE>...
Only search files matching TYPE. Multiple type flags may be provided.
-T <TYPE>..., --type-not <TYPE>...
Do not search files matching TYPE. Multiple type-not flags may be provided.
<PATH> A file or directory to search. Directories are searched recursively. Paths
specified on the command line override glob and ignore rules.
--current-buffer Searches in current buffer.
--all-buffers Searches in all listed buffers.
--recall Recall last search. If the result window is closed, reopen it.
--append Append to the previous search results.
common arguments:
--reverse show results in bottom-up order
--stayOpen don't quit LeaderF after accepting an entry
--input <INPUT> specifies INPUT as the pattern inputted in advance
--cword current word under cursor is inputted in advance
--top the LeaderF window is at the top of the screen
--bottom the LeaderF window is at the bottom of the screen
--left the LeaderF window is at the left of the screen
--right the LeaderF window is at the right of the screen
--belowright the LeaderF window is at the belowright of the screen
--aboveleft the LeaderF window is at the aboveleft of the screen
--fullScreen the LeaderF window takes up the full screen
--nameOnly LeaderF is in NameOnly mode by default
--fullPath LeaderF is in FullPath mode by default
--fuzzy LeaderF is in Fuzzy mode by default
--regexMode LeaderF is in Regex mode by default
--nowrap long lines in the LeaderF window won't wrap
If [!] is given, enter normal mode directly.
后面有感叹号,会直接进入 normal 模式;如果没有感叹号,则是输入模式,此时可以输入字符来进行模糊匹配过滤。可以用 tab 键在两个模式间来回切换。
Leaderf rg
基本支持 rg 所有的必要选项,用户如果对 rg 命令比较熟悉,可以在 vim 命令行内输入:Leaderf
, 然后手敲 rg 命令,命令选项还可以通过 tab 来补全。
" search word under cursor, the pattern is treated as regex, and enter normal mode directly
noremap <C-F> :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -e %s ", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
" search word under cursor, the pattern is treated as regex,
" append the result to previous search results.
noremap <C-G> :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg --append -e %s ", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
" search word under cursor literally only in current buffer
noremap <C-B> :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -F --current-buffer -e %s ", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
" search word under cursor literally in all listed buffers
noremap <C-D> :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -F --all-buffers -e %s ", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
" search visually selected text literally, don't quit LeaderF after accepting an entry
xnoremap gf :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -F --stayOpen -e %s ", leaderf#Rg#visual())<CR>
" recall last search. If the result window is closed, reopen it.
noremap go :<C-U>Leaderf! rg --recall<CR>
" search word under cursor in *.h and *.cpp files.
noremap <Leader>a :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -e %s -g *.h -g *.cpp", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
" the same as above
noremap <Leader>a :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -e %s -g *.{h,cpp}", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
" search word under cursor in cpp and java files.
noremap <Leader>b :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -e %s -t cpp -t java", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
" search word under cursor in cpp files, exclude the *.hpp files
noremap <Leader>c :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -e %s -t cpp -g !*.hpp", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
参考:rg 的glob 语法。
顺便说一下,直接在 vim 命令行敲:Leaderf rg
,就会有传说中的"grep on the fly"
的功能哦,同时支持 fuzzy 和 regex 两种模式。
首先,ripgrep 已经足够强大,基本不存在别的工具有而 ripgrep 没有的功能。其次,ripgrep 有编译好的 Windows、Linux 和 MacOS 上的binary,可以在这些平台上很容易安装。再者,由于作者比较懒,不想再实现重复的功能。
iam070 2019-01-14 22:16:56 +08:00
我记得 WIN 上的 GVIM 好像还需要 python 支持,就没有安装了:) |
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xiaotianhu 2019-01-14 23:33:12 +08:00 via iPhone
好东西 有空试试
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jdhao 2019-01-15 00:08:09 +08:00
为啥有 LeaderF 了还要再开发 LeaderF rg 呢。。
skyzone 2019-01-18 08:59:21 +08:00
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hanxiV2EX 2019-01-23 08:01:53 +08:00 via Android
支持,我已经放弃 greper 插件,改用 rg 这个了,二次过滤太强大了。
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hanxiV2EX 2019-01-23 08:07:29 +08:00 via Android
@skyzone 你需要 lemonade 配合 neovim 使用,无缝共享粘贴板。 你可以参加我的配置,windows 下启动 lemonade server,linux 里配好 client,neovim 会自动检测出来,也可以像我这样配置。 |
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dangoron 2019-01-23 14:20:44 +08:00
跟 fzf 的 Rg 对比有什么优势呢? |
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Yggdroot OP ![]() @dangoron 我没有深入使用过 fzf 的 Rg,做一下评论,如果不对请纠正。
fzf rg 有以下不足: 1. 没有 normal mode,查看结果不是很方便。 2. 不支持只在当前 buffer 以及所有打开的 buffer 中搜索。 3. 如果已经搜索一个串'abc',按回车跳到 buffer 中去后,无法再打开上一次的搜索结果,需要重新搜索'abc'; Leaderf rg 可以用文章中提到的`Leaderf! rg --recall`来打开上一次的搜索结果。 4. 不支持把当前搜索结果追加到上一次的搜索结果上。 5. 不支持跳到某个搜索位置后仍保持搜索窗口打开状态,就像 quickfix 窗口一样。Leaderf rg 有`--stayOpen` 6. Leaderf rg 可以像使用 rg 命令一样来用,比如某一次搜索只想搜索 aaa 和 bbb 目录,可以用`Leaderf rg -e xxx aaa bbb`; 某一次不想搜索 src 目录,可以用`Leaderf rg -e xxx -g=!src/`; 而 fzf rg 做不到这么方便,它需要每一种情况都要定义一个命令。 |
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skywind3000 2019-01-23 22:44:44 +08:00
@Yggdroot 对了,Leaderf rg 搜索当前项目目录怎么弄? root marker 那个。
pony279 2019-01-24 00:55:31 +08:00
暂时还没有时间研究搜索插件,我现在对 FZF 的 complain 主要有两点:
1. 每次使用后,vim 的 buffer number 就会递增, 后面开的 buffer number 很容易增长到几十甚至上百 2. :FZF 启动后在 terminal 里面 on the fly filter, 这意味着 vim 无法记住我上一次 filter 用的关键字,每次需要重新输入,效率略低 |
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Yggdroot OP @skywind3000 那个只是给 Leaderf file 用的,默认是在 cwd 开始搜索,还没有 root marker 那个功能。
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Yggdroot OP |