wph95 2018-04-06 16:35:57 +08:00 1
感觉像 quip 的 todo 功能精简版
xiang578 2018-04-06 18:56:29 +08:00
界面好漂亮,不过没有什么吸引我的地方。简单的可以使用 taskpaper,复杂点可以使用 todoist
dobelee 2018-04-06 19:02:48 +08:00 via Android
todolist 我主要担心安全问题,有的东西不能泄露,小厂感觉安全性不靠谱,大厂的客户端又不给力。
locktionc 2018-04-06 19:54:19 +08:00
Taskade 的作者,John Xie。我前几天还在跟他聊天。
taskade 2018-04-08 01:20:41 +08:00
Thanks for sharing Taskade! Any suggestions are welcome, you can reach me at john@taskade.com.
taskade 2018-04-08 01:26:26 +08:00
@wph95 Quip is a great product and offers a lot of flexibility, but it is mainly targeting businesses with only paid options. We want to make Taskade more accessible and available to any users looking for a simple way to chat and collaborate on task lists and outlines.
taskade 2018-04-08 01:31:14 +08:00
@dobelee Thanks for the comment. Security is one of our top priorities. Over time we will also add additional user permissions for team collaboration and security options like 2FA and more.
taskade 2018-04-08 01:37:19 +08:00
@xiang578 Thanks for the feedback. I agree we still have a few key features missing as a task manager, from reminders/due dates to notifications. These will be completed soon and you can follow our progress here: https://www.taskade.com/v/B1Q8lMxIfG Our task lists are collaborative and real-time, hope you will give that a try.