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红帽软件诚招 Technical Account Manager(深圳)

  •   redhatjob · 2016-04-21 11:18:47 +08:00 · 2220 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3248 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    简历发送到 [email protected]
    Location : Shenzhen
    Job Summary
    Red Hat's Global Support Services team is looking for an experienced support engineer to join us as a Technical Account Manager for our enterprise customers in Shenzhen, China. In this role, you'll provide personalized, proactive support and guidance, and cultivate high-value relationships with clients as you seek to understand their IT infrastructures, internal processes, and business needs. The technical account management service is a premium support offering that builds, maintains, and grows long-lasting customer loyalty. As a technical account manager, you'll tailor support for our customers' environment, facilitate collaboration with their other vendors, and advocate on their behalf by working closely with our Engineering, Research and Development, Product Management, and Global Support teams to debug, test, and resolve issues.

    Primary Job Responsibilities
    Perform technical reviews and share knowledge to proactively identify and prevent issues
    Understand your customers' technical infrastructure, hardware, and products
    Perform initial or secondary investigations and respond to online and phone support requests
    Provide excellent customer support for clients regarding their Red Hat products
    Manage customer cases and maintain clear and concise case documentation
    Serve as the customer's advocate within Red Hat
    Travel, as necessary, to visit customers

    Required Skills
    5+ years of Linux or UNIX system administration experience
    Experience in a support, development, engineering, or quality assurance organization
    Ability to manage and grow existing enterprise customer relationships by delivering proactive, relationship-based support
    Technical knowledge of Linux file systems and the Linux kernel
    Hands-on experience with a variety of hardware vendors
    Experience with enterprise-class applications like Oracle, Veritas, and SAP
    Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Mandarin and English; experience with training or presentation delivery is a plus
    Must have a work permit in China
    Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) is preferred
    Bachelor's degree in a technology-related discipline is a plus

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