i have downloaded the source code for project deeplearning4j and compiled successfully by the console in fedora. but when i import the project in eclipse, it prompts many errors and all errors are like this "method XXX is undefined for the type YYY". i feel so painful since it has take me some days to compile the source code in the console
101 2015-07-16 16:39:34 +08:00
看起来像是 Eclipse 内依赖没有配置好,官方貌似有在线帮助 http://deeplearning4j.org/gettingstarted.html#trouble
luolianhai OP 谢谢,电脑用的是java1.8,project里面用的是1.7,但是eclipse里面无论用1.7还是1.8都会报错,你给的网址我看了,没看到 Eclipse 内依赖没有配置好相关的解决措施啊