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Paddle 不支持大陆身份证了么?

  •   leonliu2022 · 18 天前 · 737 次点击

    经过几天的邮件来往,paddle 账号能正常使用了,之前的项目在验证阶段,上传了身份证和照片之后,告诉我,不支持这种类型的身份证,那看来是不支持大陆的身份证了?

    Verify your identity Thanks for providing your ID and selfie, but unfortunately we’ve been unable to verify your identity because the ID you provided is not supported.

    Click the button below to complete identity verification again through our trusted partner, Onfido. Here’s what you’ll need to do in Onfido.

    1 Fill your personal information

    2 Take a photo of your ID

    3 Take a video selfie

    Verify my identity Got a question? Check out our FAQs below.

    Here’s a few top tips from the Paddle team! Ensure your document is supported by Onfido, and make sure you take a photo of the original document.

    When taking your selfie, make sure to remove your glasses, move hair away from your face, remove hats or scarves and sit in front of a plain background in a well-lit room.


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