harryho97 228 天前
they likely didn’t follow the correct steps when resetting their device before selling it
看到这句话就想说一句,抹掉设备前务必记得先移除公交卡,尤其是去维修可能会涉及更换主板的情况。 |
zaizaizai2333 228 天前
Apple repeatedly emphasizes that this problem was rare and affected a small number of users and a small number of photos. The company did not and does not access a user’s photos or video.
🤡 |
412999826 228 天前
基本和我当时推断产生问题的原因一致,和 iCloud 照片关系不大,主要是和备份恢复(包括 iCloud 云备份恢复)
/t/1042649 |