2024-04-29 14:16:19.805 16883-16883 LOG.OUT pid-16883 W [FindValidSymbolFromElfFile] Can not found symbols in libdexfile.so
2024-04-29 14:16:19.806 16883-16883 libc pid-16883 A Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 16883 (nkcomm.maidanba), pid 16883 (nkcomm.maidanba)
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A PixelOS Version: 'PixelOS_alioth-14.0-20240428-2007'
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A Build fingerprint: 'Redmi/alioth/alioth:13/TKQ1.220829.002/V14.0.7.0.TKHCNXM:user/release-keys'
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A Revision: '0'
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A ABI: 'arm64'
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A Timestamp: 2024-04-29 14:16:19.857165725+0800
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A Process uptime: 2s
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A Cmdline: com.bankcomm.maidanba
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A pid: 16883, tid: 16883, name: nkcomm.maidanba >>> com.bankcomm.maidanba <<<
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A uid: 10324
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A x0 0000000000000000 x1 00000000000041f3 x2 0000000000000006 x3 0000007fe64408b0
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A x4 6d60421f5c646b68 x5 6d60421f5c646b68 x6 6d60421f5c646b68 x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A x8 00000000000000f0 x9 0000007daa057ac8 x10 0000000000000001 x11 0000007daa0f3260
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A x12 0000007fe643f210 x13 0000000000000044 x14 0000007fe6440508 x15 0000000034155555
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A x16 0000007daa163718 x17 0000007daa13b820 x18 0000007dd38a4000 x19 00000000000041f3
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A x20 00000000000041f3 x21 00000000ffffffff x22 0000000000000003 x23 0000000000000010
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A x24 000000000000002a x25 0000007dd2a7f180 x26 0000002900000000 x27 b400007d1885ed00
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A x28 0000007dd26eb16d x29 0000007fe6440930
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A lr 0000007daa0e4538 sp 0000007fe6440890 pc 0000007daa0e4564 pst 0000000000001000
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A 2 total frames
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A backtrace:
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A #00 pc 00000000000b7564 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+164) (BuildId: b94bf7992c3f9c4ab236cfad8cf8a883)
2024-04-29 14:16:20.091 16913-16913 DEBUG pid-16913 A #01 pc 000000000002ea28 /data/app/~~uOn_oN0xr_480aVPNRkKig==/com.bankcomm.maidanba-LIz5ZZHhLEsa60-4MyREhA==/lib/arm64/libDexHelper.so`
zhouyin 330 天前 via Android
刷欧版小米好了 我一加 8t 刷了 lineageos 很多银行 app 根本无法用 magisk 都不行
甚至浙里办也不能用 |
Xunit 330 天前
如果是最新的 lineageos21 ,那是 app 的问题,没适配最新的 qpr2
paranoiagu OP @Xunit 确实是 qpr2 ,但是感觉这个问题不是 qpr2 导致的
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xiaoranj 330 天前
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iminto 330 天前 via Android
是的,谷歌的 14 qpr2 导致的。
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Scars 329 天前 ![]() Android 14 的 qpr2 似乎把 art 虚拟机做了些修改,导致包括国内银行在内的大部分上了梆梆企业加固的 app 崩溃,只能等梆梆加固更新->app 适配新版梆梆,不然只能回退 ROM 版本
terabithia 329 天前
一加 6T LineageOS 21 更新到 QPR2 后也是银行 APP 基本上都挂了,目前知道的农行和招行没问题。但也只有银行类 APP 用不了,其他的暂时还没发现。
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psklf 329 天前
@terabithia #8 没错,招行技术还是领先,我直接 Play 市场安装的,没啥问题。
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anonymous64 329 天前
我的 grapheneOS 当时也是 QPR2 后银行打不开,不过一个多礼拜就修复了
https://grapheneos.org/releases#2024032100 Android Runtime: disable stripping symbols for libart to restore compatibility with some popular obfuscated Chinese apps using a specific obfuscation SDK depending on private APIs which was broken by Android 14 QPR2 when not using the mainline ART module based on older code like the stock Pixel OS (does not result in any lost storage space, just slightly larger factory images / updates as if we'd bundled another small app) |
paranoiagu OP @terabithia 发现 play 上能下到的 app 基本都没问题,招行就是。
paranoiagu OP @anonymous64 这个厉害,希望 pixelos 也能一样搞
paranoiagu OP @anonymous64 感谢,根据你提供的信息,自己编译了 rom ,银行 app 们复活了。
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dejavuwind 71 天前
妈耶 google 下的 alipay 也不行 看了 logcat 貌似也是这个 dex 文件问题
paranoiagu OP @dejavuwind 貌似那时候,支付宝是没问题的