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sz007 最近回复了
20 小时 8 分钟前
回复了 IurNusRay 创建的主题 深圳 非深户离开深圳回老家,公积金全部提出吗
1 、异地购房凭证(3 年内)
2 、深圳购房可直接提取
3 、养老关系转移外地
4 、租房提取
41 天前
回复了 ggp1ot2 创建的主题 问与答 自己开公司给自己发高工资,有风险吗?
1 、短期找个地方挂靠,长期想多了
2 、测算一下收益和持有成本,找专业的人评估一下
3 、亲测高额社保基数对 x 费 d 无用,个人资质再好不如白名单企业
4 、不建议 gap ,趁年轻多挣钱
1 、老家 300 公里内有全国排名前 30 城市
2 、90 平以上房无贷款+一台 20 万车
3 、家庭净存款超过 50 万
4 、相对稳定工作家庭月收入 2 倍当地房价
留个 wx 呗,这 case 挺有意思的😏
2020-08-09 11:13:52 +08:00
回复了 BlueJewel 创建的主题 English 为什么英语怎么学都学不好
To pick up - or to, what we would say, "acquire" - a language, to really know a language, you have to understand the language.

To pick up a language, all you really need to do is understand the language you are listening to or reading.

If you can't understand it, you can't learn it - or we would say, you can't "acquire" it.

Of course. you can't acquire a language unless you understand it. But it isn't really obvious at all.

In fact. I think that for many people. they spend their whole lives not understanding this basic idea.

Many people spend years trying to improve their English, and they do all sorts of things.

> their study grammer, they memorize vocabulary, they make lists, they make flash cards - little pieces of paper to try to memorize a word - they try to repeat everything they hear or everything they read, they tak tests, they give themselves quizzes, they take examinations - they do all of these things thinking that these things will help them improve their English.

What I'm telling you tody is that none of these things are necessary.

In fact, some of these things might actually make your English worse.

The only things you have to do to improve your English is find things you can mostly understand in English and then read or listen to them.

Your brain will acquire, or pick up, all of that English you don't know, automatically.

ESLPod Guides learning note.
2020-05-26 21:00:59 +08:00
回复了 hlwjia 创建的主题 English [一周年] 我也来带带各位想学英语的 v 友吧 [第五帖 ]
2019-06-30 01:20:29 +08:00
回复了 gzdaijie 创建的主题 程序员 独立博客被各种聚合网站爬,好心累。
1.文章结尾处加上原文链接,跟内容混合在一起,利于 PR
2.写完文章立即提交到 Google console、百度站长,利于辨别原创
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